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Starting Vegetable Transplants in the Greenhouse

Benefits of Growing Vegetable Transplants

Why is growing vegetable transplants better than direct seeding? There are a number of reasons why vegetable transplants sometimes are better than direct seeding. These benefits include more control, increase production, reduce pest problems, and improve healthier plants. Transplants give you a jumpstart on the growing season because you can start transplanting seeds and once the weather conditions are just right, moving them into the garden will allow for more production. Due to the transplants beginning in the greenhouse they are kept safe from most insects that like to destroy tiny seedlings when first planted. Overall, transplants make healthier plants because they provide better growing strategies that allow them to be more productive and decrease problems at the early stages of plant life. However, some vegetables only do well when direct seeded such as carrots, melons, radishes, turnips, etc. These vegetables contain delicate root systems that like to grow in one place and not be moved around. When direct seeding using our Hoss Garden Seeder which allows for accurate planting without overplanting in the garden area. This garden seeder offers six adjustable seed plates that work great for several different varieties of crops. Whether you prefer direct seeding or starting vegetable transplants both are easy tasks to do in the greenhouse or vegetable garden when using efficient tools.

Step by Step Guide on Starting Vegetable Transplants

On this week's episode, Travis demonstrates the step by step method for starting vegetable transplants in the greenhouse. To begin vegetable transplants in the greenhouse the first thing we need is a seed starting tray and a seed starting mix. Our heavy-duty seed starting trays have 162 cells that contain verticle root training ribs that allow for better aeration and root ball drainage. The seed starting mix we always like to use when transplanting is the organic Pro-Mix. Unlike other potting mixes, the Pro-Mix has a fine texture that ensures better root development which reduces transplant shock and bacterial/fungal diseases. It also contains a component known as MycoActive which promotes a symbiotic relationship between beneficial fungi and plant roots. To begin he starts by filling the entire seed starting tray with the Pro-Mix seed starting mix. Once the seed mix is smoothed out and compacted into the tray we will add some water to get it wet before planting. Travis likes to take his watering wand and wet it once, wait a minute or two and wet it again. Wetting it two or three will ensure the soil is nicely wet and saturated. The next step is to create dibbles or small holes in the soil for the seeds. Keep in mind when planting seeds they typically are planted twice as deep as the diameter of the seed. Travis takes some of his broccoli seed and plants one seed per cell in the seed starting tray. Then, he recommends taking a cup filled with the Pro-Mix, but while adding it to the cup he grinds it up making sure to remove any kind of big clumps. Next, he takes the cup and lightly covers or dust the tops of the seed with the fine soil. After the seeds are lightly covered then he waters the entire tray again making sure the soil is compacted. Lastly, add a garden label to help you identify what variety of plant was planted in the seed starting tray. Wait a couple of weeks and you will have some productive transplants that are ready to go in the ground when weather conditions are suitable. Using these efficient tools to make vegetable transplants will ensure productive and healthy plants for the garden.