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Creating a Bountiful Vegetable Garden

Benefits of Quality Manure

There are several benefits to adding quality grade manure to create bountiful vegetable garden soils. Some of these benefits include increasing the productivity of crops, improved growth, and overall healthier plants in the area. By adding the best soil amendment it will leave your soil structure with increased benefits that are ideal for future growing seasons. Using great compost contains four key components — organic matter, moisture, bacteria, and oxygen. The organic matter provides the needed nitrogen and carbon sources for plant growth. While the moisture allows the compost to not dry out and the oxygen supports the breakdown of plant material. Then, the other microorganisms like bacteria will break down all the components and plant material into the useful compost material needed for the vegetable garden. When incorporating the compost in sandy soils it can increase the water-holding capacity, while in the heavier clay soils it can improve drainage. Another advantage of adding compost to the soil is the decrease in using lots of fertilizer in the area.

Bountiful Vegetable Garden

One of the most important factors to growing a bountiful vegetable garden is adding a quality grade chicken manure compost. Travis picked up some excellent manure compost that is relatively dry and broken down which will spread in the garden effectively and till into the soil well. This compost is ideal for the fall garden when getting ready to plant some heavy feeder crops like cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. As mentioned early we won't have to add as much liquid or granular fertilizer because the compost will feed the soil pretty well. Travis has already prepared the first 2 plots that he is going to plant in for the fall garden. After broadcasting the compost on the two plots it's now time to till in the garden in order to incorporate it into the soil. Most of the time we do the fad system in the garden which means furrow, amend, and drip. Instead of using the fad system and applying compost only in the furrow where plants are going to be planted we make an exception and broadcast the compost throughout the vegetable garden. Since this is a new garden area it will need a little more help when it comes to amending and conditioning the entire plot to make the soil more workable and increase nutrients throughout the plot. Another factor to remember is that fall crops will be planted close together so you might as well compost the entire area because it really won't affect the vegetables negatively if you broadcast it throughout the vegetable garden plot.